Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Walk in the Park

We went for a walk the other day. I thought I'd like to see what Nymph Falls looks like at this time of year. After parking in a snowy parking lot and traversing a partly snow covered trail we ended up on a nice clean trail. This is Sassy practicing a recall, nice girl comes right away.
This is Zoe, the crazy girl. She was off in the woods exploring but she did come right away when I called, just took her longer cause she was further away. Nice enthusiasm though.
Both girls were most interested in something that was down that hill. Zoe was the only brave one who took off to investigate. Whatever it was it was some interesting. She didn't want to come back this time.
When she finally did we had a party and snapped on the leash for the remainder of our walk.
Here's a photo I snapped of the falls. We'll be going back soon!