Friday, February 18, 2011

Platforms Day 2 the learning curve

 So here we are, stepping up the criteria a little bit. Before putting the platform down I clicked both girls for targeting the cones.

So far so good, both dogs understand that pretty much anything I put out for them they have to interact with in some way. For this exercise I only required them to nose touch the cone. I knew we were ready to introduce the platform when both dogs moved from the nose touch to the paw touch.

In comes the platform. The cone is at the end furthest away from me.

Both girls get they need to be on the platform to target the cone. So I click for 2 feet on and targeting the cones. Nice they seem to understand the game!
Next thing I know, Sassy Girl is up on the platform with all 4 feet. She started out targeting the cones but soon realized I just wanted her looking in that direction. Good Girl!  Exercise done.

And then there's Zoe the eternal jokester! Up on the platform, touch the cones and before I can click whips around and says "Did I get it right?"  LOL she can be a card. Next session I will back off a little for Zoe and only click 2 feet on and targeting the cone. She needs to understand she can work with her back to me!

Good Girls!  Exercise Done.

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